Monday, March 3, 2025


Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 
Matthew 7:15

Armstrongism is the theology of Herbert W. Armstrong who split as a radio minister from the Church of God 7th Day to found the Worldwide Church of God (WWCG).
They were bintarian, Sabbatarian, had Armstrong's own Historic Pre-Millennial views (which involved a revived Holy Roman Empire) and kept the 7 ceremonial feasts as a Sabbath as well as a 15% tithe.
They do not observe holidays such as Christmas, Easter or Valentines as well as not celebrating birthdays.
He also taught British Israelism (the idea that the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel were 10 Germanic tribes and as a result God blessed economically Germany, Anglo-Saxon England and the United States. He also taught the "Philadelphia Message" which is that his message was that of the Church of Philadelphia in Revelation for the succeeding Laodicean Church in it's Laodicean state. He also claimed to be Prophet.
He died in the mid 80's and the man who took over his Church eventually tossed out everything from Armstrong, quit printing his books and switched to Sunday keeping and Trinitarianism then split off to form a new denomination known as Grace Communion.
Those that still followed Armstrong's teachings split into several denominations. His son Ted Armstrong had already started one (since his father had said he couldn't lead the WWCG due his his sexual misconduct, drug and alcohol problems). Ted then was kicked out of his own Church (over sexual misconduct) and started another.

WWCG busts apart:
*Grace Communion International (Sunday keeping/Reject ALL Armstrongism)
*Restored Church of God (WWCG TV Minister David C. Pack leader & "Prophet")
*Living Church of God (Reject Pack as Armstrong's successor "Prophet")
    *Continuing Church of God (Split due to lack of Philadelphia Message Focus)
*United Church of God (Rejects %15 tithe/No More "Prophets")
     *Church of God Worldwide (Split off due to Leadership Issues)
*Philadelphia Church of God (Philadelphia Message and a "Prophet" G. Flurry)
*Church of God International (Ted Armstrong founded and kicked out of)
      *Intercontinental Church of God (Founded by Ted Armstrong)