Tuesday, February 25, 2025

ORTHODOX: Oriental Orthodox

But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes.
2 Timothy 2:23
Oriental Orthodox tend to be Amillennial, Sacramental and Episcopal. They use the Aprocrypha the way the Eastern Orthodox do and hold the same views on "Easter". A difference from Eastern Orthodox is that they use different books placed in the back of the Bible (such as 1 & 2 Clement, Gospel of Thomas, etc.---varies by denomination) as canonical. They are adamant that Christ had 2 natures intertwined as one nature, whereas the rest of Christendom tend to believe He had a distinct human and a distinct divine nature. This is their "unlearned question" they are obsessed with.
Also practice Veneration of saints.

Antiochian Orthodox Church (Byzantine rite)

Armenian Apostolic Church (Armenian rite)

Coptic Church (Alexandrian rite)

Syrian Orthodox Church (Syriac rite)

Jacobite Syrian Church (Syriac rite)

Ethiopian Orthodox Church (Alexandrian rite)
***Eritrean Orthodox Church (Alexandrian rite)

Indian Orthodox Church (Syriac rite)
***Malabar Orthodox Church (Syriac rite)

Assyrian Church of the East (Syriac rite)

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