Friday, February 28, 2025


He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 
Mark 16:16
Anabaptists split from Zwingli during the Reformation over baptism. Zwingli, Luther and Calvin believed that baptized Catholics didn't need to be re-baptized to join their movements. Anabaptists (which means re-baptize) did.
They tend to be Amillennial and have an Episcopal structure.
During the Reformation they were part of the "Radical Reformation" where they would travel and live in communes. Sometimes preaching naked, sometimes sharing wives, sometimes abstaining from marriage and preaching the Reformation would result in the Apocalypse.
When things died down some moved back to southern Germany and Switzerland. They came under the influence of Menno Simon, a Dutch former Catholic Priest who had converted to Lutheranism and then read a pamphlet by the Anabaptists. He moved to join them and became their unofficial leader. After his death they took the name of Mennonites and adopted Lutheran Free Will and a strict lifestyle of piety.
They have 4 subdivisions:
I. Mennonites
II. Amish which split from the Mennonites led by the elder Jakob Ammann. He stressed stricter piety as he thought the Mennonites were becoming too worldly. They go to Church every other Sunday (usually in a barn for humility) and spend the next Sunday in Bible study at home.
III. German Baptists which split from the Mennonites when they discovered in Scripture Baptism by immersion. They were mocked by the name "Dunkards". They split into 2 subgroups that came to America. 1) The Schwarzenau Brethren who were followers of Alexander Mack and lived in joint facilities together until spreading out across America.  Mack taught his followers watered down Universalism whereby the wicked will burn in hell for a long time--but not for eternity therefore relieving their suffering at some future point. 2) Non-Schwarzenau Brethren who did not follow Mack's teachings.
IV. Hutterites formed under Jakob Hutter during the Reformation and teach strict piety and communal ownership of property. 

Mennonite Church U.S.A. (Moderate)
***Pilgrim Mennonite Conference (Conservative/Dispensationalism)
***Church of God in Christ Mennonite (Arminian Free Will)
*Conservative Mennonite Church (Conservative)
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*    ***Biblical Mennonite Alliance (Head Coverings for Women in Church)
***Missionary Church (Holiness)
***Reformed Mennonite Church (Practice "shunning" ex-members like the Amish)

Fellowship of Evangelical Bible Churches (Dispensationalism)

Amish (various Groupings on level of Piety)
2 Broad Categories
--Old Order Amish (Stricter Piety in Lifestyle)
--Progressive Amish (Less Strict Piety in Lifestyle)
Beachy Amish (Church Buildings)

1) Schwarzenau Brethren
Brethren Church (Liberal)
***Grace Brethren (Moderate)

Church of the Brethren (Moderate-Conservative)
***Covenant Brethren Church (Opposed to Lack of Discipline on LGBT Issues)

Old German Baptist Brethren (Piety of Lifestyle)
***Old German Brethren Baptist (Strict Piety similar to Progressive Amish)
         ***Old Order German Baptist Brethren (Stricter Piety of Lifestyle like Old Order Amish)

Seventh Day German Baptists (Sabbatarian)
2) Non-Schwarzenau Brethren
Brethren in Christ Church (Holiness)

Hutterites (unlike the Amish women they sometimes wear Red or Gold dresses)

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