-- the body of Christ,
-- the people of God,
-- and the bride of Christ.
(1 Cor. 12:27; Eph. 4:16; 2 Cor. 11:2; Rev. 19:7). "
Gerry Waggoner/F7
Dan, Ephraim & the 144,000
Q: Why are Dan & Ephraim missing from the list of the 144,000 in Revelation?
The 12 tribes had a head tribe on each side of the Sanctuary.
The 12 tribes had a head tribe on each side of the Sanctuary.
East - Judah (the Sanctuary faced east. Christ is the Lion of Judah, roaring back to save His people through the plan of Redemption laid out in the Sanctuary. Outer Court/JUSTIFICATION, Inner Court/SANCTIFICATION, Most Holy Place/Judgment)
South - Reuben (Egypt was to the south of Israel- the 1st born of Egypt died in the plague. Reuben was the 1st born- so think spiritual "Egypt" represented here--the non-believing world)
West - Ephraim (God's people at the other end of from Judah patiently waiting for His return that follows the Judgment)
North - Dan (the tribe that led Israel into idolatry more than once. Babylon was to the north of Israel. So think of this as spiritual "Babylon")
A: IF Dan represents spiritual "Babylon" & Ephraim God's "Remnant" people in the end times, then obviously the 144,000 (which is after the mark of the beast) would represent the Church Triumphant at His return.
No longer "Ephraim" of the Remnant (the Church Militant before the wheat & tares are separated) which held up the 3 Angel's Messages to the world (Judgment has begun, come out of Babylon & correctly identifying the mark of the beast).
**And among them would be those which came out of Babylon-hence they are no longer spiritual "Ephraim" & "Dan"- but His faithful people united...the symbolic 144,000....
**And among them would be those which came out of Babylon-hence they are no longer spiritual "Ephraim" & "Dan"- but His faithful people united...the symbolic 144,000....
"The work is soon to close. The members of the church militant who have proved faithful will become the church triumphant."
To Spiritual Ephraim: "You know the truth, you believe the truth, you even love the truth. But the truth hasn't changed you. Let the truth change you." E.G.W.
To Spiritual Dan: And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, MY PEOPLE, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:4
*The 144,000 is a symbolic number (not a literal number) because Prophecy is coded language. Hence the 12 tribes listed in Revelation of 12,000 each is written in a sort of Poetic fashion of Prophecy.
SUMMARY: God currently has true believers in ALL the Churches.....that's why He calls them out at the End, what He refers to as "MY PEOPLE".
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