And He also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt.
The Holiness Movement of the late 1800's and early 1900's was based on Sanctification and a so-called work of "2nd Grace".
All hold to Arminian Free Will.
It was taking Wesleyan Sanctification by the Word and through the Spirit to the extreme according to opponents at the time.
It stressed an morning and evening Sunday service, midweek prayer meetings, camp meetings and emotionally charged tent revivals.
It drew mass followers from nearly all the Churches at the time.
On one hand the seeking of Character perfection is something all Christians should seek, for one should be holy as God is Holy.
On the other hand it can lead some into self righteousness if one loses sight of their need of Justification by Faith through Grace which is what opponents accused them of.
*Some Holiness preachers were teaching that Sanctification, as viewed by the outside actions you perform, was the true test of whether you were saved. That Justification has nothing to do with it. But not all Holiness preachers went that far.
Church of the Nazarene (Conservative but accepts Evolution/allows infant baptism)
***Bible Missionary Church (Conservative/Dispensationalism)
Christian & Missionary Alliance (Focuses on the "doing" [Sanctification] and "being" [Service to others] of life)
Salvation Army (Spread here from England/No Baptisms or Communion performed)
***American Rescue Workers (Focuses on reaching the Homeless)
Church of God by Faith (Conservative/Divine Healing)
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